Ever since I had my first camera as a little girl, I’ve been in love with photography, spend all my money on a new lens and built my very own photo studio in my parents attic shooting my neighbors kids and my cousins. 

Even though I enjoyed being in front of the camera sometimes my place behind the camera has always been my favorite. Despite many different jobs I never lost my focus and finally made my passion my profession. Now I’m working all over Germany from Berlin to Bavaria and also worldwide. 

I feel at home in all areas of photography – in sport photography , portraits, product shots or event photography.

I will passionately shoot you, your team, your business location,
your product, car races, dancers, landscapes, architecture, events and whatever jumps in front of my lens…

Please contact me for details!




Alpun Feldmeier
Grasensee 6
84367 Tann

Telefon: 0170/8175913
E-Mail: click@photosbyfeldmeier.de

Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gem. § 55 II RStV:
Alpun Feldmeier (Anschrift s.o.)(1)